Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Augmentin 625

If the title sounds like name of some medicine, it actually is! Augmentine 625 is a quite strong antibiotic tablet which helps healing very fast. I appreciated it so much when I had bike accident, that I am asked to take it again now!! NO NO, not because of any accident this time, but because of some severe swelling in right ear.
For last week or two I had been listening to my favourite Indian classical fusion music on youtube. (Even my last post is about it!) And yesterday, with the tuning fork stuck on my forehead, my E-N-T doctor made me accept that I won't be 'STEREO-audio' for next two weeks!!!
:( :( :(
It pained more in my heart than the ear. After that, throughout my ride back home, I realised it was true to some extent, I even felt I could hear my breathing only in left ear inside my helmet. Now I didn't do it intentionally but somehow I was speaking to many people in low volume making them (also?) feel like deaf! ;)
I realized how boring and frustrating it is, not being able to hear properly! Now when I come across people with some disability, I really appreciate their will-power to live, to overcome the frustration, to enjoy all the other things and abilities. I feel I have got everything (even Augmentin 625) and still I get frustrated over tiny curable problems in life!


Shivani Gakhar said...

oops... frustrating really.. nice image.. did u click it?

Siddhartha Joshi said...

hahahaha...in all the seriousness of your post, i see loads of humour :)

bhavin said...

@Shivani: no its from net. Yes it's very much communicating!!!
@sid: humour is everywhere!And someone has said,"don't be serious, be sincere."