Saturday, November 01, 2008

Shobha De on Mumbai v/s Bombay

Thank you maithili for the link. A bit lengthy but worth reading interview.


B Singh said...

my take on this!

B Singh said...

what it's asking, is for everyone to consider whether it's sane to blame migrants for 'putting pressures' on the City's inadequate infrastructure, rather than the legitimate government of a reasonably affluent state, for failing to provide for it. why should the desperate man be stoned rather than the men who get paid for shitting in the city with no work/goals to show for all the power they have?

and it's insane that language/culture is dragged into this debate of obvious administrative under-performance. And when did Mumbai become the whole of Maharashtra anyway?

it's more than an underwear. big city's Delhi or Mumbai, Bangaluru, Patna (whenever that may happen!) must be built to 'adjust'. Maybe, it's time Mumbai became a separate state, like NCR.