Friday, December 31, 2010
the Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and
the Wisdom to know the difference.
Patience for the things that take time
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways,
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other, and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Last Sunday.
2 Bikes
3 winters
33 months
825 happy mornings
33,000 km
3,21,750 distinct jerks to spinal cord.
Few dreams
some wishes
many people
some friends
few relations
lot of exposure
some lessons
few realisations.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thought of You
Loved the simplistic intricacies of the animation by Ryan Woodward.
Enjoy the animation here.
Check website of Ryan Woodward also for more details.

"World Spins Madly On"
Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you'd gone
and let the world spin madly on
Everything that I said I'd do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on
I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still
Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
The night is here and the day is gone
And the world spins madly on
I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Make new Mistakes (epilogue)
It took a long time, exactly one year! But I did it.... finally.

Time. Money
Thrill. Fear.
Dreams. Reality.
Self. Family.
Now. Later.
Theoritically the choices seem to be easy. Practically?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saturday, November 06, 2010
The Unreachable
-By Anonymous
I wish I could agree!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
9 months

How does it feel, to know that something is growing fast inside your body? Something that you WANT to grow, something that is completely dependent on you, your life, you breathing, your eating. Something that is as good as your own body part, something that will give you a new identity!
How does it feel, to know that when it is fully developed and ready to see the light, it will be the most painful time in your life! And you still want it to grow, the piece of your flesh, which is being nourished on 'your' food, blood, thoughts! How does it feel to wait for that day? The day when you will get the pain, life and identity!
How does it feel to know this, so much in advance? Something that is even slowing down the time, feeling each minute, kicking inside you slowly! Something that demands and gets all your attention, all the time!
How does it feel to know, this is the closest you can ever hold a life to yourself, your own life! Perhaps something much more precious than your own life, because you know, you had never touched your own belly with so much care and love before this! And you know how exactly it feels to exist and move around in an almost different body for few months!
What is that feeling, that you exerience till that day of 'light', amongst all those uncertainties and huge expectations? How does it feel to simultaneously know and not know something? How does it feel to know that only half the human beings can experience this? that is if you didn't consider a farmer's experience and situation worth comparing. The farmer who buries all his earnings in the soil and expects some life to emerge from there! The life that will probably save his life and few more!
How does it feel to end something good, expecting something better will start? And to be mentally ready, rather willing for it, 9 months in advance!
(update: Aakanksha gave me this link to a supposedly amazing video named 'in the womb'. Will watch it soon!)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stories and Trees
Palm Stories:

e.g. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
e.g. this post. and this too
Creeper Stories: There exists a huge variety in this little complicated and equally interesting category of stories. They can range from real life experiences to fantacy stories and love stories to murder mysteries. The interesting part is, the branches or supporting parts are almost as strong (or weak) and as important as the main stem. So even if it looks like there is not strong enough base for the story, the strength lies in the complex network of all the characters and their own lives! There are lot many twists and turns and many 'high-points' worth enjoying throughout the length and width of the story, just like flower creepers. You can actually enjoy any part of the story and will be pulled in to trace the start and end, eventually realising its the journey that is more enjoyable than the end points.
e.g. the recent good example is this story by Janaki (part 1 to 10).
Pine Stories: The composition, form, structure, details.... this is what makes these stories worth reading. They are very predictable, like love stories, but the way they are told/narrated, in a very soft romantic poem like manner, makes them enjoyable.
e.g. 2 states by Chetan Bhagat, 50 first dates , bollywood movies like DDLJ etc
Mango Stories: Biographies or even some novels based on real life. A very strong base, strong enough branches,very closely linked to each other and to the environment, very much like mango tree! The concept is very deep rooted and demands your proper involvement and interest in it. This is not just for enjoying the story, it will stay with you for a long time even changing the way you think sometimes. Very inspirational!
e.g. Closest from what I have read till now is Totto Chan, better example can be stories of raja Harishchandra.
Banyan Stories: Epics! I do not have enough words and wisdom to write about them 'in short'! Unlike mango stories, they go beyond the individual reader, to inspire, affect and nurture the whole societies, cultures. They can be interpreted at various levels of literature as well as social evolution. And they are still not boring but very beautiful examples of art!
e.g. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Odyssey etc.
Bonsai Stories:
I would really not like to call them stories! They look like they were made as per marketing demand and requirements. They have everything, but still lack something very important like the scale, gravity, rendering them more of decorative item on the shelf in living room. They simply don't feel original. It's like Bhavin writing his interpretation of Ramayana/King Lear on his blog in one post! Show off!
Ok What is This?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
frustration sketches

Sunday, August 29, 2010
क्षण एक थांबण्याचा.....
वारा वाहायचा थांबतो,
पानांची सळसळ थांबते,
झाडाखाली उतरलेला कावळा
कावरा बावरा होउन बघत राहतो.
उगीच दोन तीन काळे ढग
आकाशात रेंगाळत राहतात.
पाउस नाही पडत,
पण थोडं शहारून येतं.
मन उभ्या उभ्या हरवतं,
भूत - वर्तमानाचा गुंता होतो,
न सोडवावासा वाटणारा.
काही कळेनासं, काही कळू नए असं वाटतं.
मन आणि शरीर, दोघेही स्तब्ध होतात,
सगळ कसं शांत होतं, थांबतं.
ह्या सगळ्यांपासून अनभिज्ञ
डोळ्यांतलं पाणी तेवढं वाहत राहतं!
त्या एका क्षणाला.........
- भावीन
Friday, August 27, 2010
Rs. 9/min
Udaas ho? Akele ho?
Muzase karo baat, din ho ya raat!
Main banungi apki dost, kar rahi hoon aapke phone ka intazaar.
Apki dost,
Rs. 9/min
(courtesy: one of the numerous vodafone messages)
Do girls also get the same message?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Parting lines (updated)
Bigger or smaller, boys will be boys!
2. It's official!
Valentino Rossi will be riding for DUCATI corse faqctory racing MotoGP team from 2011.
This also means that this is his last year with his favourite Yamaha YZR M1, the bike he developed over last 7 years, and brought victories for the Yamaha team. The greenish yellow 46 on blue Yamaha will now be seen on red Ducati.
3. This is what the 9 time world champion Valentino Rossi said yesterday in a press release on his parting from Yamaha,
"Now the moment has come to look for new challenges; my work here at Yamaha is finished. Unfortunately even the most beautiful love stories finish, but they leave a lot of wonderful memories, like when my M1 and I kissed for the first time on the grass at Welkom, when she looked straight in my eyes and told me ‘I love you!"
Read the full press release here.
UPDATE: Reading between the lines of Valentino , what makes him much more than the best rider ever... what is more important than winning, to him?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
TOUCH sensitive

just because you liked that touch so much!

Friday, July 30, 2010
Smart Efforts
But then, the trick is, to keep telling yourself, "you were a fool!, weren't you?"
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
एक होती प्रजा
नगराचा एक राजा होता
राजाला तीन राण्या
तिघिना एक एक राजपुत्र
राजा नपुंसक होता
बाकि सगळं व्यवस्थीत चालल होतं
राजवाडयामागे खोल विहीर होती
बारा महीने भरलेली असायची
सर्वात मोठ्या राणीने तिच्यात
जीव दिला होता असं म्हणायचे
नगरातल्या शेतकरयाशी तिचे
संबंध होते असही म्हणायचे
पण आता असं कुणी म्हणत नाही
दर अमावशेला सगळी प्रजा
एक एक हंडा पाणी विहिरीत ओतते
जुनी गोष्ट आहे इतकच म्हणतात
बाकि सगळं व्यवस्थीत चाललय
दरबारात एक प्रधान होता
राजवाड्याशी त्याचे घरचे संबंध
दरबारात तो फारसा नसायचा
पण राजवाड्यातल कमी जास्त
सगळ तोच बघायचा
प्रधानाची बायको हुशार
प्रधानाचा संसार राजेशाही ठेवायची
तीन वेळा का होइना
पण प्रधान राजा बनला होता ना!
प्रधानाचा संसार ही व्यवस्थित चालला होता
दरबारात एक सेनापतिही होते
राजाची कुणाशी दुश्मनीच नव्हती
राज्यातला सगळा कर
सेनापति गोळा करायचे
राज्यातली सारी न्याय-व्यवस्था
सेनापतीच बघायचे
न्याय-व्यवस्था न माननारी लोकं
सेनेत भरती व्हायची
बाकि सगळं व्यवस्थीत चालल होतं
आणि उरले राज-ज्योतिषी
त्यांच्या परवानगी शिवाय तर
नगराच पानही नाही हलायच!
प्रजेच उज्जवल भविष्य
तेच तर ठरवायचे!
नवीन रस्ते, नवीन राजवाडा
कधी कुठे बांधायचे, हे
सेनापती त्यानाच 'विचारायचे'
त्यांच्या आशीर्वादानेच तर
नगराची भरभराट होत होती
ते आटपाट नगर होत
नगराचा एक राजा होता
'राजा नपुंसक होता
हे फ़क्त राजालाच माहिती होतं'
असंच सगळे म्हणायचे!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
mad mad rossi!
It's just 6 weeks after his crash, and he managed to get permission from MotoGP Chief Medical Officer to race in tomorrow's German MotoGP at Sachsenring!
“Immediately after the crash the doctors said it could be five months before I was fit to return; maybe five months to play football, but I just need to ride the bike,” said Rossi during a press conference on Thursday 15th July.
Rossi has missed four races over the course of his injury and currently sits seventh in the championship standings.
If you have been following my post on this for last 6 weeks, you will know what it means to have Rossi back on the MotoGP track within 6 weeks!
To read the original article, click here.
To view his crash on Youtube, click here.
I wish him the best luck for everything and wish the MotoGP will get its real meaning again from tomorrow.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Bridge, The time
Following are some of the pictures I took over a period of more than a year, in different seasons, or time of day. There were many more moments worth sharing, but they are captured only in my mind, completely unexplainable in words!
On a rare rainy night in Ahmedabad.
The undisturbed patch of water below the bridge.
On a cool morning in July 2009.
A warm winter evening.
A sunny evening in this monsoon.
10 minutes ago!
Monday, July 12, 2010
That's the spirit!
This is with reference to the brutal crash he had on 5th June. Withing 5 weeks of his open fracture accident, he is back on bike! He tested on a Yamaha YZF R1. Thats the spirit!
Friday, July 09, 2010
The Metropolitan

I am not sure about the front though! A normal head mounted headlight would have been better I guess. It also reminds me of our popular Activa. Ohh, and Honda Activa did something similar to Bajaj here in India. When it was launched, critics said, "Honda has made a better Bajaj!"