1. boiling milk has already found its way to kitchen sink from the gas stove, run!
2. Now stop reading that news paper and switch off the heating coil, water has become too hot to bathe.
3. finish your bath and look at mobile, you are already late for office.
4. now that you are leaving office on time, you will meet your boss before you reach the gate. (inner voice continues saying something which you don't want to hear! You are anyway going to experience it!)
5. Now that you have decided to call home after dinner, mom will call you within 5 seconds and you will as usual say ' I was about to call you mom!!'
6. Today was probably the last day to pay your vodafone bill. (the voice says this precisely after 6pm if you don't pay online).
7. (after your 500+ km journey has started, it says) may be you have forgotten something important, check your underwears.... in the bag you stupid! Ok forget it, no use now.
8. The last concept, which you made just to increase number of concepts, will be selected!
9. May be the water bottle in your bag is leaking.
10. keep your finger on 'snooze alarm' button, it will start shouting in a second! ok good morning! May be you have kept the phone on table not bed tonight! :)
Lovely...wish I could sincerly follow my inner voice :) Nice one :)
interesting...a list s getting formed in my head too :)
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