wowwww... so nice no???? we will be able to SEE vegetables on screen!!! even if thats means we won't be able to touch, smell, choose the best ones, bargain (verbally) with the (real) subzi wala bhaiya, accidentally meet our acquaintances in the (real) subzi mandi, may be subsequently fall in love with one of them, know that there is 50% sale in the silk emporium near the subzi mandi, get reminded that your distant relatives daughter is getting married next month, know that the (so called rude) old apple (fruit) wala at the entry of subzi mandi baught a Tata nano and so many other things which make and keep you social and/or human (if not tech savvy)... BUT you will be able to place orders looking at the pictures on your laptop screen!!! So great!!!....
The best thing is you can even GIFT fruits to your beloved ones using the web service! So what if you haven't even touched them with your hands? The receiver will be more interested in fruits and nutritions they will give... not in the feeling of receiving them from you... So nice!!! Yesterday someone bought me a handcrafted fabric elephant, and while giving she mentioned that she chose this particular because the mirrorwork, and overall pattern is placed more appropriately on it! This is what matters... right? that the one who is giving actually took time and care to see that you get the best possible! Whether it is an elephant or a cow comes second for me and probably for anybody.
The 'subzi-mandi on laptop' news today just triggered the thoughts and served as an example, but the basic issue can be seen in many such 'human (?) advances'. Good (read: effective) marketing can sell anything you have as the 'best new thing/way'... but is that what we have been educated for?
4-5 years down the line, kids will surf internet to learn that 'touch' means 'way of operating mobile and computing devices'. You can try searching 'touch' on google images even now.
Are we really working for the betterment of HUMANS?
:) I share your sentiments. I just put up a much light-hearted post on the same issue and saw ur comments in my old post and come to ur blog. Guess what I see :)
Interesting take.
Adding extra senses is a matter of technology advance. And if there is a market for it technology will automatically develop.
Perhaps soon in the future 'Vegetable Shopping' will become a niche 'Experience' like Fishing.
BTW, came to the blog via LinkedIn. While surfing for Yo.
-Balaji S.
@balaji: Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.
yes, technology can be developed if there is market, but I believe it beter be developed for a better 'human experience'!
nice one...quite like it!
another post u may find interesting - http://www.teamkanestreet.com/read/2009/02/25/tell-us-what-life-will-be-like-futureman/
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