Everything (almost) in this movie feels so real, as if not even the smallest kid is 'acting'. Manju, the little daughter of a prostitute, krishna, the small boy struggling to earn Rs.500 so that he can go to his hometown, and those boys living life of roadside 'gundas' or 'mawalis'... all of them just fit perfectly in their own roles, very naturally. Reminds me of DoorDarshan (DD) TV serials in childhood. And why not, there are actors from DD!
This movie, unlike others shows a little different image of Bombay. That of more like a 'trap' and helplessness than 'attraction' or 'addiction' or 'wealthy and fascinating city'.
There are certain sequences which are very hard to forget for me.
e.g. the one in which manju's mother asks the lady authority ' Wo meri beti hai, government 'ma' kaise ban sakti hai?'
and the one in which krishna returns to his adda from remand home and finds a 'new' boy who calls himself 'chillam'. For everyone in and outside movie, chillam was a character who died some 20 minute back in the movie. Everyone is replaceable!!! individual doesn't matter to city, its just a personal matter!!!
Reminds me of many children singing songs and begging and selling something or the other inside local railway compartments...
The movie doesn't give any solution, but it does a better job, of making you think!!!
Somehow I am attracted towards 'Teach IndiA' campaign even more strongly.
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