Monday, March 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
"So what do you enjoy the most?", she asked. May be she noticed I was too busy observing the beauty around me, and just to bring me back to the conversation, asked me this question.
Her parents had arranged for this privacy on the terrace so that we could talk to each other comfortably. Privacy on the terrace! Smart!
Though I had instructed myself not to start the never ending topic about my bike obsession, I somehow ended up saying,"Bikes! I love the experience of floating one feet above the ground and moving anywhere at will!" I ended my line with a smile, and why not? I had managed to finish this topic in one sentence!
"Do you like bikes?", ohh GOD, I should have asked 'What do you like?' instead!
"Yes, we used to go for road trips sometimes... in college days.", she said.
"hmmm...", I was searching for some other topic, which she did and asked,"Where do you plan to settle?"
I was under this foolish impression that boys ask questions and girls answer, in such 'arranged marriage' meets! But this girl seemed to have done her homework well. She didn't give me enough time to think what to ask and went on asking the 'most important questions'.
Now I really don't believe so much in this concept of settling somewhere, but for the 'most important questions' you have to give 'most expected answers'!
So I said,"There is enough scope for our profession in pune and mumbai. And I will be closer to my parents also then." My parents will be so happy for this answer! Somehow even she looked happy. Truth does not possess this quality of making someone happy. Pune is good place for bikers though! But I avoided this topic successfully again.
"You don't like wearing saree?", my first self initiated question! Though it sounded little useless to me also.
"I do, but I thought it will be better to meet you the way usually I am."
Hmmm... this girl was something and her next question just confirmed it.
She asked, "Do you know cooking?"
This was supposed to be my question traditionally! "ummmm.... not really. I mean I can manage to make something edible with eggs & I make good tea, but nothing much beyond that. You also don't cook?" The last question came very naturally and from the bottom of my heart or may be stomach.
She said, "I do, almost everything, but don't get time to cook everyday. You know this work-till-late-culture in offices na? So mom cooks most of the time."
I don't know if I was supposed to suggest any solution, but I said,"hmm I know. Thats why most of the working couples end up employing cook. It's quite convenient."
"Ya but I don't find that idea so interesting. I mean you still have to depend on some third person and their time na? Do you like non-veg? I am vegetarian."
She was really good at asking questions, or atleast making simple questions tricky. I had to think a bit to formulate my answer. " ummm.. I like non-veg, but it's not something I can't live without." 'Like bikes' I wanted to say.
Like an experienced recruiting officer, she went on asking 'the most important questions' and after a while it didn't really matter who asked the question! Behind this straight forward sharp-shooter, I could see a very honest, true-to-herself girl with an urge to plan for nice simple clutter-free life. She was not so much interested in knowing which car I would prefer buying and when, whether an apartment on 10th floor or 15th, whether my dream of owning a design business is little risky or not. May be because this just needs money which even she had her own! What she was more concerned about was, making it clear the way she was and will be, that she takes her work as seriously as I do, that she thinks things like cooking are equal responsibility of both the partners, that she has her own choices no matter how small or big. And most important, that she conveys this clearly to me! Simple!
I had started writing this IMAGINARY story some time back, and what made me finish it today was the new fountain pen Pogo gifted me and this very nice article on 'neeru's corner. Must read for all the boys or rather eligible bachelors.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Filmy, very filmy!

Friday, March 19, 2010
nothing much?
blank face
empty mind
nothing much.
old questions
no answers
haunting puzzles
nothing much.
nothing much.
something old
something lost
something new
nothing much.
one life
one death
one body
nothing much.
old memories
moist eyes
numb heart
nothing much.
same morning
same people
same smile
nothing much?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
8:02am - 8:37am
1. Picked up the helmet, searched for the lock as usual and opend the door to leave for office.
2. Door, which opens inside, had a polythene milk fountain hanging from the door handle and a dog, that was drinking milk till now looked disturbed.
3. I realised, someone had kept the ground-floor staircase door open as usual today also, the dog happily came to fourth floor and tore the fresh milk polybags hanging from door handle. Rest of the action was natural.
4. With helmet in one hand and the lock in other, I quickly removed the milk bags from door handle and ran to the kitchen sink.
5. It didn't take more than few microseconds for me to calculate how much late I will be for office.
6. But it was wrong.
7. While all this was happening, somehow lot of milk had accumulated in my helmet and I HATED it!
8. I tried calling sid to inform him not to use the milk, but he didn't pick the phone as usual (I mean as usual in such situations).
9. With a handkerchief lining for the helmet, I left on my bike.
10. I liked the way my bike sounded today, or may be I was actually revving too much and going little too fast.
11. The road looked like it was holiday for everyone and I was the only one getting late for office as usual!
12. Even after lot of honking one activa uncle only adjusted his mirrors, looked at me in the mirror and refused to let me overtake as usual.
13. But he didn't know the dog-milk-helmet story, I managed to overtake through just-enough space leaving him blowing his horn for I don't know what.
14. Near my favourite shivranjani right turn, one homely and 'prosperous' office-goer balck-and-white holiday mood uncle standing in the middle of the raod felt my body language on the turn was too aggresive and I was going to kill him! Though there was more than lot of distance between us, may be 'the loud sound + bike lean angle' scared him and I felt really bad for him. I said 'sorry and forgive me god' inside my milk bathed helmet.
15. I was not late for office. :)
16. The interesting girl looked interesting as usual and the nicely dressed girl was nicely dressed as usual.
17. Wished 'good morning' to our 65 year young bengali colleague and he told some memory from his old time in old bombay as usual.
18. Didn't even realise then that he said 'Bombay'!
19. As I was entering studio, Mr. HS wished me 'good morning' with a face that successfully communicated "You better deliver that nonsense today".
20. Received some sweet mail from a sweet friend. :)
March 17, 2010 8:37am
Life is interesting, as usual!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
माँ का आशीर्वाद

Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I wanna fly high with u baby
Quite a boring sunday, though I spent a lot of time washing, polishing my bike thoroughly. Also opend and assembled as many parts of it as possible.
The tiny ceiling fan in my bedroom has stopped working. So I have managed to occupy some space on the sofa in living room. Just booted my laptop and found this old video, so watched it. From this place I can actually see three movies simultaneously as Kiran and Sid are also watching something on their respective laptops. I guess Kiran is watching something really hilarious, as we are regularly distracted by his laughter-quakes. There is nothing much interesting to share on the blog, but I have really nothing to do now! Kiran offered me few movies, but his descriptions didn't encourage me to watch them. e.g. He said, "bhavin, watch this movie 'my sassy girl'. its really good yarrrrr... u will cry at the end!"
Anyway, enjoy this video. Nothing so great, but it has bikes, babes and beaches. :)
UPDATE: After around 30 minutes (as per sid it was an hour) of my voluntary efforts to try to 'keep reading signs of my (shakira's) body', I have also found that the movie running on Sid's laptop is..... 'My sassy girl'!!! Congrats Kiran. Here is link to sid's blog about the movie, though he has said hardly anything about the movie actually!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sena attacks BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) for Bombay in its name.
I don't express using bad words. I do not have any other words to express my feelings.
But I have few questions.
After all the vandalizing of a heritage institution, some Mr. Sakpal says, 'they should respect local sentiments.' What do you know about the word 'respect'?
If all this is done for 'Marathi' or 'Marathi manoos', why does it make me angry instead of happy? I am marathi, aren't I? Why am I disturbed?
Do I need to get my degree certificate changed if it has 'University of Bombay' in it? Or will they tear it off?
Marathi is very rich in literature. How many of non-marathis know about it? How many marathis know about it? Who is taking care of this issue?
One of my friends used to accuse me of talking to a marathi friend in marathi in her presence, even if she were not part of the topic. She insisted we talk in hindi. I used to tell her you can also talk to your friends in language of your choice when I am not part of the discussion. But she knew only hindi! Our debate never reached anywhere. WHY?
There are many more questions. And we can find some 'useful' and 'constructive' solutions only if we accept we don't know them!